Reboot The Weekend Warrior Within

With such busy schedules, we often find ourselves jumping on any opportunity to play when time allows.

However, you might have found out by now that going from sitting at a desk for 40 hours a week right into a weekend of playing pick-up games with your friends or attempting to keep up with your kiddos is quite the task.

And it is these exact scenarios where we often find ourselves getting injured “out of the blue” — slowly but surely unable to continue playing and having as much fun as we really want!

The Weekend Warrior Reboot provides you the very tools to ensure that you able to perform and play at a moment’s notice with the physical resiliency to back it up. 

Eliminate Pain

Find out what might be allowing your pain to hang around much longer than you want, and reduce the need of anti-inflammatories before any athletic venture.

Build Resiliency

This program is designed with one idea in mind: work hard and play harder! When life breaks you down, use the Weekend Warrior Reboot to build you back up.

Boost Your Energy

Are you burned out from rigorous exercise routines? The tools implemented in this program are designed specifically to restore energy and support your active lifestyle.

Example Curriculum

  Welcome! Start Here.
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days after you enroll
  Week 1: Feet and Ankles
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days after you enroll
  What's Next?
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days after you enroll

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About The Author

The Weekend Warrior Reboot was developed by Dr. Eric Hughes, who had experienced his own difficulties with chronic low back pain and injury from his history of sports. Although we wanted to continue pursuing this athletic endeavors, his pain had kept him sidelined and even to the point where he was unable to perform some of the most basic daily tasks.

Through his knowledge and experience as a Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Eric has been able to effectively manage and eliminate his physical pain, and provide the same results to his patients. With the Weekend Warrior Reboot, he has put together the very skills he implements in his private practice and is providing them directly for you at home!